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发布时间: 2022-04-22 23:06:47

⑴ 求一部十几年前关于黑洞的科幻小说


⑵ 求100词左右的介绍黑洞或者反物质或者虫洞的英语短文。不要太难得。初三能读懂就行!

General relativity predicts a particularly dense dark objects. Evolution of massive stars in their late collapse occurs, the dense material in particular, it has one called "event horizon" of the closed border, a black hole hidden in a huge gravitational field, e to the gravitational field so strong, including in particular photon (ie the composition of light particles, the speed c = 3.0 × 10 ^ 8m / s), including any material can only be entered could not escape. The formation of a black hole minimum mass star's core is about three times the solar mass, of course, this is the last star of nuclear quality, rather than main sequence stars in the period of quality. In addition to this stellar-class black hole, there are other sources of black holes - the so-called micro-black holes may be formed in the early universe, the so-called supermassive black holes may exist in the central galaxy. A black hole can be found through the concept of electronic equipment.
The black hole within its borders to prevent any outsiders to see anything, which is the object known as the "black hole" of the reason. We were unable to observe the reflection of light it can only be affected indirectly understand the objects around the black hole. Having said that, but the black hole still has its borders, namely "event horizon (horizon)." It is assumed that the evolution of stellar black hole of death matter, is in a special super-massive stars collapse generated. In addition, the quality of a black hole must be larger than the Chandrasekhar limit of stellar evolution to the end of the form, quality, smaller than the Chandrasekhar limit of the star is unable to form a black hole.



⑶ 找几本有关黑洞的科幻小说,就是把黑洞当作武器的那种不是要穿越黑洞的


⑷ 高分找篇短篇科幻小说

地球大炮 刘慈欣
镜子 刘慈欣
洪荒孑遗 长铗
冷酷的平衡 汤姆·戈德温
一日囚 柳文扬

⑸ 有关黑洞的英语阅读

General relativity predicts a particularly dense dark objects. Evolution of massive stars in their late collapse occurs, the dense material in particular, it has one called "event horizon" of the closed border, a black hole hidden in a huge gravitational field, e to the gravitational field so strong, including in particular photon (ie the composition of light particles, the speed c = 3.0 × 10 ^ 8m / s), including any material can only be entered could not escape. The formation of a black hole minimum mass star's core is about three times the solar mass, of course, this is the last star of nuclear quality, rather than main sequence stars in the period of quality. In addition to this stellar-class black hole, there are other sources of black holes - the so-called micro-black holes may be formed in the early universe, the so-called supermassive black holes may exist in the central galaxy.

⑹ 利用黑洞进行星际航行的小说


⑺ 找一部科幻小说,宇宙中黑洞附近停着一艘飞船,主角觉得里面的机器人有点奇怪,像一些人的身影,



⑻ 外国科幻小说 居住星球被黑洞吞没

《蛇蟒星际》 两个太空员,亚当和杰科,降落在一颗遥远而古老的殖民星球上。却发现他们已经脱离了与银河系其它星球的任何关系,原以为迎接他们的将是原始落后的殖民者,猝不及防,他们遭受了一群女战士的突袭。这是一个女人统治的星球,人们都服从于美丽女王苏牟露,并对蛇身女神顶礼膜拜,相反,男人的地位极其低下,并常被用做平息蛇神怒火的牺牲品,然而,亚当和杰科发现所谓蛇神的怒火其实只是地震。而这个星球也就快要因持续的地震毁灭了。杰科和亚当想要疏散星球上的人们到安全的地方,然而除了根深蒂固的女尊男卑的观念阻碍他们的行动外,他们发现了埋藏在星球内部古老的邪恶力量

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