A. 求200词左右的英文科幻小说
Science fiction story
AD 3,000
A group of scientists(including me) went to the bottom of the sea,some aliens are living there,they may cause a world war because they can take control of water.This time,we want to talk with them.
With the help of the sea-spaceship,we got the destination easily.To my surprise,this is a wonderful undersea world,beautiful fishes,and green coral reef which can make people feel great.
We didn't forget why we came here,but we saw no alien.Suddenly a huge screen was presented before us.It was playing a tsunami around India,and some wars around the world.Yes,this is our true life,I realized something,and turned around,a alien was looking us.Then,it began to say,"Human beings,you've made a lot trouble to the
earth,e.g. The wars,the pollution,the experiment,etc.Now,we use the water to give you a tsunami,this is only a lesson for you.If you do this continuously,you will be punished!"
We were back to the ground,everything seemed peaceful,we knew what we should do.
B. 求一些中短篇英文原版科幻奇幻小说
C. 高考英语科幻小说推荐
D. 英文朗读
Need English reading computer software urgently. That is broadcast in the software after it is downloaded. Please recommend more, which can be downloaded on the internet, where the original English novel can also be downloaded.
E. 求200词左右的英文科幻小说 3Q! 请大家快点啊!!!
Science fiction story
AD 3,000
A group of scientists(including me) went to the bottom of the sea,some aliens are living there,they may cause a world war because they can take control of water.This time,we want to talk with them.
With the help of the sea-spaceship,we got the destination easily.To my surprise,this is a wonderful undersea world,beautiful fishes,and green coral reef which can make people feel great.
We didn't forget why we came here,but we saw no alien.Suddenly a huge screen was presented before us.It was playing a tsunami around India,and some wars around the world.Yes,this is our true life,I realized something,and turned around,a alien was looking us.Then,it began to say,"Human beings,you've made a lot trouble to the
earth,e.g.The wars,the pollution,the experiment,etc.Now,we use the water to give you a tsunami,this is only a lesson for you.If you do this continuously,you will be punished!"
We were back to the ground,everything seemed peaceful,we knew what we should do.
F. 哈利波特 全英文小说的 朗读 mp3
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G. 求科幻小说英文版本的呵呵
science fiction的简写, 科幻小说
H. 英文科幻小说
I. 有哪些好看的英文科幻小说可以推荐
J. 英语翻译 科幻小说无疑是阅读课外书的最好的选择
It's no doubt that the science fiction is the best choice of outside reading.