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发布时间: 2022-03-13 12:22:54

Ⅰ 寻找翻译成英文的当代中国小说



The "Torrents" Trilogy 《激流三部曲》

* The Family 《家》,1933
* Spring 《春》,1938
* Autumn 《秋》,1940

* Love in a Fallen City (published in October 2006 by New York Review Books) Translated by Karen Kingsbury and Eileen Chang.

* "The Golden Cangue" (金锁记) is found in Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas, 1919-1949 (ed. Joseph S M Lau et al.)

* Lust, Caution (色,戒) Translated by Julia Lovell. New York: Anchor Books, 2007.

* Naked Earth (tr. of 赤地之恋) Hong Kong: Union Press, 1956.

* The Rice Sprout Song: a Novel of Modern China (tr. of 秧歌 by the author)

* The Rouge of the North (tr. of 怨女)

* Traces of Love and Other Stories

* The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai (Eileen Chang's tr. of Han Bangqing's novel)

* Written on Water (tr. of 流言 by Andrew Jones)


Rice and My Life as Emperor (both tr. Howard Goldblatt)

1. The Book and the Sword - T: 书剑恩仇录 S: 书剑恩仇录 (first published on The New Evening Post in 1955)
2. Sword Stained with Royal Blood - T: 碧血剑 S: 碧血剑 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1956)
3. The Legend of the Condor Heroes - T: 射雕英雄传 S: 射雕英雄传 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1957)
4. Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain - T: 雪山飞狐 S: 雪山飞狐 (first installment appeared on the first issue of Ming Pao in 1959)
5. The Return of the Condor Heroes - T: 神雕侠侣 S: 神雕侠侣 (1959)
6. Other Tales of the Flying Fox - T: 飞狐外传 S: 飞狐外传 (1960)
7. Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse T: 白马啸西风 S: 白马啸西风 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
8. Blade-dance of the Two Lovers T: 鸳鸯刀 S: 鸳鸯刀 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
9. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre - T: 倚天屠龙记 S: 倚天屠龙记 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
10. A Deadly Secret - T: 连城诀 S: 连城诀 (first published on Southeast Asia Weekly 《东南亚周刊》in 1963)
11. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils - T: 天龙八部 S: 天龙八部 (1963)
12. Ode to Gallantry - T: 侠客行 S: 侠客行 (1965)
13. The Smiling, Proud Wanderer - 笑傲江湖 (first published on Ming Pao in 1967)
14. The Deer and the Cauldron - T: 鹿鼎记 S: 鹿鼎记 (1969-1972)
15. Sword of the Yue Maiden - T: 越女剑 S: 越女剑 (1970)

Ⅱ 求现代英文小说

VISION IN WHITE, by Nora Roberts. A wedding photographer finds romance with the brother of a bride-to-be; Book 1 in the Bride Quartet series.

UNACCUSTOMED EARTH, by Jhumpa Lahiri. Stories about the anxiety and transformation experienced by Bengali parents and their American children.

MY SISTER’S KEEPER, by Jodi Picoult. A girl sues her parents after learning they want her to donate a kidney to her sibling.

LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH, by Emily Giffin. A woman’s happy marriage is shaken when she encounters an old boyfriend.

FIREFLY LANE, by Kristin Hannah. A friendship between two women in the Pacific Northwest enres for more than three decades as they make different choices in their lives.

Ⅲ 有哪些中国的经典文学作品被多次翻译成英文的

元末明实施耐庵所着《水浒传》:英译本为《发生在河边的 故事》,另有一些英文版译为《在沼泽地里》。译得最好的是 1938年诺贝尔文学 奖获得者、在中国长大的美国女作家布克夫人(中文名字赛珠珍)的译本,书名 《四海之内皆兄弟》,
罗贯中所着《三国演义》:美国有位翻译家节译《三国演义》中关羽故事,书名《战 神》。
清代曹雪芹所著《红楼梦》:道光 22年( 1842年),英国人汤姆将它的几个章节译成英文,书名《红楼梦幻》;英国汉学家 戴维·霍克斯等翻译成五卷英译本,书名《石头记》。

Ⅳ 请问,有哪些精彩的言情小说被翻译成了英文版,或是英文原版的言情小说,请推荐一些,谢谢。



Ⅳ 还没有被翻译过的英文小说


Ⅵ 中国现当代的著名小说中有哪些被翻译成了英文



The "Torrents" Trilogy 《激流三部曲》

* The Family 《家》,1933
* Spring 《春》,1938
* Autumn 《秋》,1940

* Love in a Fallen City (published in October 2006 by New York Review Books) Translated by Karen Kingsbury and Eileen Chang.

* "The Golden Cangue" (金锁记) is found in Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas, 1919-1949 (ed. Joseph S M Lau et al.)

* Lust, Caution (色,戒) Translated by Julia Lovell. New York: Anchor Books, 2007.

* Naked Earth (tr. of 赤地之恋) Hong Kong: Union Press, 1956.

* The Rice Sprout Song: a Novel of Modern China (tr. of 秧歌 by the author)

* The Rouge of the North (tr. of 怨女)

* Traces of Love and Other Stories

* The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai (Eileen Chang's tr. of Han Bangqing's novel)

* Written on Water (tr. of 流言 by Andrew Jones)


Rice and My Life as Emperor (both tr. Howard Goldblatt)

1. The Book and the Sword - T: 书剑恩仇录 S: 书剑恩仇录 (first published on The New Evening Post in 1955)
2. Sword Stained with Royal Blood - T: 碧血剑 S: 碧血剑 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1956)
3. The Legend of the Condor Heroes - T: 射雕英雄传 S: 射雕英雄传 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1957)
4. Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain - T: 雪山飞狐 S: 雪山飞狐 (first installment appeared on the first issue of Ming Pao in 1959)
5. The Return of the Condor Heroes - T: 神雕侠侣 S: 神雕侠侣 (1959)
6. Other Tales of the Flying Fox - T: 飞狐外传 S: 飞狐外传 (1960)
7. Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse T: 白马啸西风 S: 白马啸西风 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
8. Blade-dance of the Two Lovers T: 鸳鸯刀 S: 鸳鸯刀 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
9. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre - T: 倚天屠龙记 S: 倚天屠龙记 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
10. A Deadly Secret - T: 连城诀 S: 连城诀 (first published on Southeast Asia Weekly 《东南亚周刊》in 1963)
11. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils - T: 天龙八部 S: 天龙八部 (1963)
12. Ode to Gallantry - T: 侠客行 S: 侠客行 (1965)
13. The Smiling, Proud Wanderer - 笑傲江湖 (first published on Ming Pao in 1967)
14. The Deer and the Cauldron - T: 鹿鼎记 S: 鹿鼎记 (1969-1972)
15. Sword of the Yue Maiden - T: 越女剑 S: 越女剑 (1970)

Ⅶ 有哪些中国文学,尽量是现代或近代的文学被翻译成英文并且很著名 谢谢

道德经, 论语, 红楼梦, 西游记, 三国演义......

其实还有不少, 不能一一列出.

外语教学与研究出版社 出版的, 比较好!

Ⅷ 有没有中国网络小说被翻译成英文的,有玄幻的更好,比如经典的如诛仙,佛本是道等等,不甚感激!


Ⅸ 求被翻译成英语的中国小说


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