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發布時間: 2023-02-11 01:35:31

㈠ 《三體》的作者是誰










㈡ 三體有英文名嗎

the three-body problem

英 [ðə θriː ˈbɒdi ˈprɒbləm] 美 [ðə θriː ˈbɑːdi ˈprɑːbləm]





㈢ Reading | 科幻作家劉慈欣的英文演講(克拉克-想像力服務社會獎)

2018年,美國華盛頓當地時間11月8日晚,著名科幻小說家及《三體》作者劉慈欣被授予克拉克想像力服務社會獎(Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society)。 


Ladies and Gentleman,


Good evening!


It』s my great honor to receive the Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society. Thank you.


This award is a reward for imagination. Imagination is a capability that should have exclusive belonged to God but we, as human beings, luckily have this too. It is far beyond our imagination to grasp the meaning of the existence of imagination. A historian used to say that the main reason why human beings have been able to surpass other species on earth and to build civilizations is that we are able to create something in our heads that does not exist in reality. In the future, when artificial intelligence becomes smarter than us, imagination may be the only advantage we have over AI.


Science fiction is a literary genre based on imagination. And the first sci-fi works that impressed me were those by Arthur C. Clarke. Together with Jules Verne and George Wells, Arthur Clarke was among the first Western modern sci-fi writers to enter China. In the early 1980s, the two novels 2001: A Space Odyssey and Rendezvous With Rama were published in my country. At that time, the Cultural Revolution just ended. While the old life and faith had collapsed, the new ones had not yet been established. Like other young people, I felt lost ring that period. These two books, for the first time, however, brought my imagination to life. My mind opened up like it has never before. I felt like a narrow stream finally embracing the sea.

科幻小說是基於想像力的文學,而最早給我留下深刻印象的是亞瑟·克拉克的作品。除了儒勒·凡爾納(Jules Verne)和赫伯特·喬治·威爾斯(Herbert George Wells)外,克拉克的作品是最早進入中國的西方現代科幻小說。在上世紀80年代初,中國出版了他的《2001:太空漫遊》和《與拉瑪相會》。當時文革剛剛結束,舊的生活和信仰已經崩塌,新的還沒有建立起來,我和其他年輕人一樣,心中一片迷茫。這兩本書第一次激活了我的想像力,思想豁然開闊許多,有小溪流進大海的感覺。

At midnight when I finished reading 2001: A Space Odyssey, I walked out of the house and stared at the starry sky. I was able to see the galaxy, thanks to the unpolluted sky of China back then. That night, I noticed that the starry sky looked nothing like before. For the first time in my life, I was awed by the magnitude and mystery of our universe, the feeling which you only get facing religion. Later on, the novel Rendezvous With Rama stunned me by showing how imagination could build a lifelike, fantastic world. It was Arthur Clarke who opened up this world of feelings to me, and who paved my way to become a sci-fi writer.


Today, more than 30 years later, it graally dawns on me that people like me, who were born in the 1960s in China, are probably the luckiest people in human history. No generation is like us, no generation has been able to witness such tremendous changes in the world around us. The world we are living in today is completely different from that of our childhood. And such changes are taking place with even greater speed.


China is a highly futuristic country. It is true that the future of China may be full of challenges and risks, but never has this country been so attractive like today. This reality provides fertile soil for the growth of science fiction, and it is enjoying unprecedented attention in the country. As a Chinese sci-fi author, who was born in the 1960s, I』m the luckiest from the luckiest generation.


I started writing sci-fi because I looked for a way to escape the ll life, and to reach out, with imagination, to the mysterious time and space that I could never truly reach. But then I realized that the world around me became more and more like science fiction, and this process is speeding up. Future is like pouring rain. It reaches us even before we have time to open the umbrella. Meanwhile, when sci-fi becomes reality, it loses all its magic, and that frustrates me. Sci-fi will soon become part of our lives. The only thing I can do, is to push my imagination further to even more distant time and space to hunt for the mysteries of sci-fi. As a sci-fi author, I think my job is to write things down before they get really boring.


This being said, the world is moving in the direction opposite to Clarke』s predictions. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, in the year of 2001, which has already passed, human beings have built magnificent cities in space, and established permanent colonies on the moon, and huge nuclear-powered spacecraft have sailed to Saturn. However, today, in 2018, the walk on the moon has become a distant memory. And the furthest reach of our manned space flights is just as long as the two-hour mileage of a high-speed train passing through my city.


At the same time, information technology is developing at an unimaginable speed. The entire world is connected via the internet and people have graally lost their interest in space, as they find themselves increasingly comfortable in the space created by IT. Instead of an exploration of the real space, which is full of difficulties, people now just prefer to experiencing virtual space through VR. Just like someone said, 「You promised me an ocean of stars, but you actually gave me Facebook.」


This reality is also reflected in science fiction. Arthur Clarke』s magnificent imagination about space has graally faded away. People stopped looking at starry skies. In the sci-fi works today, there are more imagination about how we live in cyber utopia or dystopia. Writers focus more on various problems we encounter in reality. The imagination of science fiction is abandoning the vastness and profoundness that Arthur Clarke once opened up, instead people are now embracing the narrowness and introversion of cyberpunk.


As a sci-fi writer, I have been striving to continue Arthur Clarke』s imagination. I believe that the boundless space is still the best direction and destination for human imagination. I have always written about the magnitude and mysteries of the universe, interstellar expeditions, and the lives and civilizations happening in distant worlds. This remains today, although this may seem childish or even outdated. It says on Arthur Clarke』s epitaph, 「He never grew up, but he never stopped growing.」


Many people misunderstand sci-fi as trying to predict the future, but this is not true. It just makes a list of possibilities of what may happen in the future, like displaying a pile of cobblestones for people to see and play with. Science fiction can never tell which scenario of the future will actually become the real future. This is not its job. It』s also beyond its capabilities.


But one thing is certain: in the long run, for all these countless possible futures, any future without space travel is gloomy, no matter how prosperous our own planet becomes.


Sci-fi was writing about the age of digital information and it eventually became true. I now look forward to the time when space travel finally becomes the ordinary. By then, Mars and the asteroid belts will be boring places and countless people are building a home over there. Jupiter and its many satellites will be tourist attractions. The only obstacle preventing people from going there for good, will be the crazy price.


But even at that time, the universe is still unimaginably big that even our wildest imagination fails to catch its edge. And even the closest star remains out of reach. The vast ocean of stars can always carry our infinite imagination.


Thank you all.


㈣ 《三體》英文名是什麼

《三體》英文名是The three body problem。





㈤ 劉慈欣作為一名作家而出名英文

劉慈欣作為一名作家而出名英文:Liu Cixin is famous as a writer.

中國著名科幻小說家、《三體》作者劉慈欣在美國華盛頓被授予克拉克想像力服務社會獎(Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society),以表彰他在科幻小說創作領域做出的貢獻。


《三體》(英文譯名:The Three-body Problem)是中國作家劉慈欣的首部長篇科幻小說,共三部,分別是《三體》、《三體Ⅱ·黑暗森林》和《三體Ⅲ·死神永生》,又被稱為「地球往事三部曲」。



㈥ 三體的作者是誰


㈦ 科幻小說《三體》的作者是誰

作者簡介 · · · · · ·
內容簡介 · · · · · ·

㈧ ETO是什麼意思

地球三體組織,英文簡稱ETO(Earth-Trisolaris Organization)原本以「藉助外來力量拯救腐朽的人類社會」為最高宗旨,其目的在後期轉變為「消滅人類暴政」,希望三體文明接管地球。精神領袖為葉文潔,實際領導人為伊文斯。組織內有大量人類社會精英,因為其成員涉及各種領域,綜合力量較為龐大。著名人物有申玉菲、潘寒等。




㈨ eto是什麼意思

ETO(Engineering to Order,面向定單設計) 按照客戶面向訂單設計要求作獨特的工程設計或按照客戶要求作較大修改的產品。每一個客戶訂單會導致唯一的一組零件編號、物料清單和工藝路線。面向訂單設計 最終產品在收到客戶訂單後才能確定。接到訂單後,才開始進行設計,並組織采購和生產。也被稱為專項生產。隨著信息技術的不斷發展,越來越多的企業利用管理信息系統處理業務活動。從mrp到mrp2再到ERP,企業管理信息系統的覆蓋范圍在不斷地擴大。 ETO(EarthThree-bodyOrganization) 地球三體組織:劉慈欣在小說《三體》中的三體文明在地球的追隨者組織。 ETO(early termination option ,提前結束任擇權,NBA球員合同中的球員提前終止選項) ETO類似於中文中說話時的「嗯,那個 」之類的話,沒有多大實際意義,只起到語言過渡的作用。
「地球三體組織」(Earth Three-body Orgnization)的英文縮寫 。為科幻小說《三體》中虛構的一個國際組織,小說作者為我國著名科幻作家劉慈欣。詳見詞條地球三體組織。
1. =European Theatre of Operation 【舊】歐洲戰區

1. =estimated takeoff 預計起飛
2. =ethylene oxide 環氧乙烷

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