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發布時間: 2023-01-12 19:55:30

『壹』 有關太空或科幻的英語短文,急求~~

Pychologists have confirmed what writers have always believed: that books are literally the stuff of dreams. A survey has confirmed that readers of Iris Murdoch or JK Rowling are more likely to have bizarre dreams than people deep into a history of

Pychologists have confirmed what writers have always believed: that books are literally the stuff of dreams.

A survey has confirmed that readers of Iris Murdoch or JK Rowling are more likely to have bizarre dreams than people deep into a history of the crusades. People with a taste for fiction experienced dreams that contained more improbable events, and their dreams were more emotionally intense. The survey also found that people who read thrillers were no more likely to have nightmares. But those with a weakness for science fiction were rather more likely to wake up suddenly with a cold sweat.

The study, according to Mark Blagrove, of the University of Wales, is perhaps the first experiment to determine a link between the waking world and dreams. Dr Blagrove and colleagues distributed 100,000 questionnaires about sleep patterns and literary tastes, and got more than 10,000 replies.

They found that 58% of all alts had experienced at least one dream in which they were aware they were dreaming ?nbsp;and that women could recall more dreams than men. Older people seemed to dream less and have fewer nightmares.

Around 44% of children said their dreams were affected by the books they had been reading. "Children who report reading scary books have three times the number of nightmares as children who don't," said Dr Blagrove.








核心提示: Star Wars Returns to the Screens星球大成重返銀幕IN THIS ARTICLE: One of the biggest blockbuster movie series, the Star WStar Wars Returns to the Screens

IN THIS ARTICLE: One of the biggest blockbuster movie series, the Star Wars cycle created by George Lucas, has returned to the screen, with the prequel titled Star Wars: Episode 1--The Phantom Menace。

Once, when a movie was successful there used to be a sequel, a follow-up film destined to build on the popularity of its predecessor and extend the life of the story at the box office。

Now there is the prequel。 After the success of the great Star Wars trilogy--Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983)--procer George Lucas has come up with the movie which preceded the famous story of good and evil forces battling it out across the galaxy。

This preceding movie,orprequel, Star Wars: Episode 1----The Phantom Menace (1999) sets the scene for the Star Wars trilogy, with the introction of characters such as the all-seeing old man of wisdom, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the evil Darth Vader。

When Star Wars was introced in 1977, it set new standards。 Writes film critic Colin Hogg: 『A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away,『 begins 『Star Wars『, the 『Gone With the Wind『 of science fiction movies, the epic that made the stars in the sky the stars of the movie screen and did more than any other film to bring that 『other world『 out there in the darkness into the hearts and minds of a generation。






『貳』 有哪些好看的英文科幻小說可以推薦


『叄』 大學最值得閱讀的8本英文小說,快來補補干貨吧!


Vingt mille lieues sous les mers




The Great Gatsby




The Goiden Notebook




The Catcher In the Rye




The Book Thief




The Ninth Hour



The Golden Compass




The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian




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26—30 應該都是科幻小說(28、30我沒看過)吧?我個人比較喜歡這一類的,所以看的時候速度會更快。你也可以挑你喜歡的類型的書去讀,這樣會讀的很快。讀書時要注意詳讀和略讀,不要一個字一個字的讀,這樣很慢的。每本書的套路一般都是1 序幕 2 一堆鋪墊 3 發展 4 高潮 5 結局 6 尾聲。你能讀清楚故事情節即可。經典的對白或者描寫要多讀,作者的精華一般都在這裡面。

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這本引人入勝的傳奇 故事 將由許多書來組成。每一本都繼續著瓦倫丁的故事。






由《王座游戲》開始的一套才華橫溢的叢書。除了閱讀,我無話可說。它是眾所周知曾有過的最好的奇幻系列。馬丁用天賦寫作,熟練地將復雜的情節編制到一個嚴酷甚至殘忍的世界中去,那裡完全充滿了灰色角色,而非傳統的黑與白。這是一副橫跨大陸的巨大 國際象棋 游戲,棋子是君王、私生子、騎士、巫師、婦女與孩童。令該系列與眾不同之處在於馬丁對重要角色的刀斧趣味。這很對,在作者的套索下沒有哪個人是安全的。盡管主角輪番交替,情節線卻繼續更為強勁。你是否厭倦了毫發無損的穿越火焰、沒有淤傷地掉落百尺、以及用為另一隻手撓癢癢等效的努力來抵禦超人樣生物的主角?那麼該系列將是你的選擇。全然不可預知的情節讓你經歷一種愉悅的體驗。你還敢預知勝利者和失敗者嗎?


時光之輪飛轉,世代往復輪回,塵封的記憶成為 傳說 。傳說暗淡,隱入神話。當重生的時代歸來,神話亦已被遺忘甚久。第三時代,預言的時代,世界與時間皆動盪不安。過往之事、將來之事、現在之事,或已於暗處降臨。

小說課外書相關 文章 :

1. 課外書大全

2. 四年級課外書大全

3. 愛的教育課外書

4. 一本課外書

『陸』 有什麼英語短篇小說推薦

1. 「A Good Man is Hard to Find,」 Flannery O』Connor

Few short stories have stuck with us as much as this one, which is probably O'Connor's most famous work — and with good reason. The Misfit is one of the most alarming serial killers we've ever met, all the more so for his politeness, and the story』s moral is so striking and terrifying that — whether you subscribe to the religious undertones or not — a reader is likely to finish and begin to reexamine their entire existence. Or at least we did, the first time we read it.

2. 「The School,」 Donald Barthelme

This story is very short, but pretty much perfect in every way. Though Barthelme is known for his playful, post modern style, we admire him for his ability to shape a world so clearly from so few words, chosen expertly. Barthelme never over explains, never uses one syllable too many, but effortlessly leads the reader right where he wants her to be. It's funny, it's absurdist, it's sad, it's enormous even in its smallness. It may be this writer』s favorite story of all time. You should read it.

3. 「In The Penal Colony,」 Franz Kafka

Kafka called this one his「dirty story,」and thought it imperfect, but it's one of our favorites of his (though we also recommend 「The Hunger Artist」and「A Country Doctor」). It's so obviously a story about writing, in some ultimate way — a machine punishes its victims by writing on them over and over until their bodies give out — but its as if, while the body is the source of every problem in the tale, every weakness, it is also the only place where true knowledge can be translated.

4. 「Signs and Symbols,」Vladimir Nabokov

Another short one, we revere this story for its ability to turn every tiny detail into a portentous disaster, not to mention the fact that it's penned in Nabokov's effortlessly gorgeous, silvery prose. An old Jewish couple goes to visit their son in the mental hospital, only to be turned away because he has attempted to kill himself. And that's it, really. They go home and look though a photo album, eat some jam. The phonerings. But the whole thing is, perhaps, both a comment on the nature of insanity and the nature of the short story itself, with all its rules and strangeness and banality. And all its symbols, of course.

5. 「Gooseberries,」 Anton Chekhov

Chekhov's stories are indisputably among the greats, and this one, written rather late, is one of our favorites. Chekhov probes at both the frailty and the worth of humanity, not to mention the natureof life, both for the fortunate and the unfortunate. But like most of Chekhov's stories, there's no clear moral, there's no obvious takeaway. Some men sit around and discuss their thoughts, and we listen, mulling over the subtleties for ourselves.

6. 「Sea Oak,」 George Saunders

「Sea Oak」 is Saunders's favorite of his own stories, we've heard, so because we find it so hard to choose among them, we've included it here on his own recommendation. Absurdist and satirical, and including at least one zombie shouting at her housemates to get laid, it's a weird one. But it's also concerned with placelessness, with family, with poverty, and like all of Saunders's stories, has a good, thumping heart under all that darkness and fun-poking.


7. 「The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,」 Ursula K. LeGuin

LeGuin's parabolic tale, which won the Hugo Award for best short story in 1974, is a weird, spacious story about a city that seems to be a utopia — except for its one flaw, the single child that must always be kept in darkness and wretched misery so that the others may all live happily. Most of the citizens eventually accept this, but some do not, and silently leave the city, vanishing into the world around. Strange but pointed, Le Guin is a master of her genre.

8. 「The Veldt,」 Ray Bradbury

This tale, from one of the greatest science fiction writers in history, is deliciously wicked. Though it was written in 1950, this kind of story — of children driven mad by want, of technology turning on its masters — will never get old. Until technology actually turns on us, that is. Then we probably won't want to hear about it.

9. 「The Bear Came Over the Mountain,」 Alice Munro

The undisputed queen of the short story, Alice Munro』s work is stark and often heartbreakingly raw, and this story of memory loss and the aching tenderness of human interaction is no different. Fun fact: this story was adapted into the film 「Away from Her」, starring Julie Christie and Gordon Pinsent.


10. 「The Nose,」 Nikolai Gogol

Gogol might be the oldest writer on this list, but he』s also one of the weirdest — in a good way. Nabokov once wrote, 「In Gogol…the absurd central character belongs to the absurd world around him but, pathetically and tragically, attempts to struggle out of it into the world of humans — and dies in despair.」 What else can an absurd noseless man do, after all?

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『捌』 求世界科幻玄幻英文原著

001Mystery of icicle [[United States] gold. Stanley. Robinson]
002 jungle greenhouse [[United States] Brian. Aldiss]
003CT radiation [[United States] Jack. Williamson]
004 Wizard of Earthsea [[United States] Ursula.勒奎恩]
005 Earth to kill the market [[United States] L. Ron. Hubbard]
006 white magic [[United States]勞莉.菲利亞. Enso leuze]
007 Earth's mission: the invaders plan [[United States] L. Ron. Hubbard]
008 God of subversion (Left Behind Part II) [[United States] Tim.萊希傑years. Jenkins]
009 antimatter spacecraft [[United States] Jack. Williamson]
The disappearance of 010 dragon [[Russia] Kiel.布雷切夫]
011 Gulliver's Travels [[British] Jonathan. Swift]
Fairmont Middle School 012 years of meteor [[United States] fee Connaught. Qi text]
Voyager 013 [Anonymous]
014 of the left hand of darkness [[United States] Ursula.勒奎恩]
015 and the sun [[United States] Jack. Williamson]
016 Princess of Mars [[United States] Edgar. Rice. Burroughs]
Dancing corpse live 017 (Frankenstein) [[British] Queen Mary. Shelley]
018 detectives skin [[Russia] Kiel.布雷切夫]
019 Calculation of God [Robert. J. Sawyer]
020 people have been destroyed [[United States] Alfred. Best]
021 happy-maker [[United States] James. Gunn]
022 blue nightmare [[United States]勞莉.菲利亞. Enso leuze]
023 prohibited Christ [[U.S.] Paul. McCusker]
024 demons Witch [[United States] Jeffrey. Huntington]
025 paratroopers starship [[United States] Robert. Heinlein]
026 mixed potential [[United States] Jack. Williamson]
027 snake stone Ⅱ - the final sacrifice [[United States] Nini.阿什萊]
028坦德萊奧the story of [[British] Ian. McDonald]
Sinking of Japan 029 [[Japan] Sakyo Komatsu]
030 Dune [[United States] Frank. Herbert]
031 near-death of the Earth [[United States] Jack. Vance]
032 stars, my destination [[United States] Alfred. Best]
033 abyss of the fire [[United States]弗諾. Wen-Qi]
Waves travel from 034 neurons [[Canada] William. Gibson]
035 Cthulhu mythology: the recovery of Cthulhu [[United States] HP Lovecraft]
036 Cthulhu mythology: the world of terrorism [[United States] Stephen. Kim]
037 chamaejasme [[United States] Frederick. Boer]
Predator 038 [[United States] William. F. Wu]
039 Green Angel [[United States] Alice. Hoffman]
040 Brave New World [[law] Ah Dawes. Huxley]
041 Robert. Heinlein collection of short stories [by Robert Klein]
042 Biscay magic ring [[United States] so. Ji LO]
The story of your life 043 [[United States] Ted. Chiang]
Time to kill 044 device [[Russia] Kiel.布雷切夫]
045 helpless [[United States] Jack. Williamson]
046 Double Star [[United States] Robert. Heinlein]
Adventure Gemini 047 [[United States] Michael. Scott]
048 Fiberhome space [[United States] Steven.萊哈德]
049 days of the fall network [[United States] Jack. Williamson]
050 very different from [[United States]弗諾. Wen-Qi]
051 crisis [[United States] James. Gunn]
053 crow cliffs [[United States] Jeffrey. Huntington]
054 natural selection [[United States] L. Ron. Hubbard]
Star 055 bridges [[United States] James. Gunn]
056 first contact [Gene.羅登貝里]
058 Frederick克波爾short fiction set in the [[United States] Frederick克波爾]
059 Harbor Fleet [[United States] Friedrich. Boer]
060 citizens of the Milky Way [[United States] Robert. Hain Ryan]
061 Ghost on the 5th [[United States] Robert. Hsieh Kerry]
062 fly Centaur [[United States] Frederick. Boer]
063 Halo 2:洪魔[[United States] William. C. Dietz]
064 Red Mars [[United States] gold. S. Robinson]
065 ring the world [[United States] Larry. Niven]
066 return [[United States] Frederick. Boer]

『玖』 求200詞左右的英文科幻小說


Science fiction story
AD 3,000
A group of scientists(including me) went to the bottom of the sea,some aliens are living there,they may cause a world war because they can take control of water.This time,we want to talk with them.

With the help of the sea-spaceship,we got the destination easily.To my surprise,this is a wonderful undersea world,beautiful fishes,and green coral reef which can make people feel great.

We didn't forget why we came here,but we saw no alien.Suddenly a huge screen was presented before us.It was playing a tsunami around India,and some wars around the world.Yes,this is our true life,I realized something,and turned around,a alien was looking us.Then,it began to say,"Human beings,you've made a lot trouble to the
earth,e.g. The wars,the pollution,the experiment,etc.Now,we use the water to give you a tsunami,this is only a lesson for you.If you do this continuously,you will be punished!"

We were back to the ground,everything seemed peaceful,we knew what we should do.

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