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① 儒勒·凡爾納簡介





凡爾納不僅否認自己是海底航行的發明者,還聲稱自己從未對科學有過特別的興趣——而「只是對用它來創作發生在異域的戲劇性故事特別感興趣」。「事實上,他作為科幻小說之父的聲望已經導致了對他文學價值認識的一個嚴重模糊化。」(凡爾納研究者威廉·鮑卓賢(William Butcher)評)


② 儒勒 凡爾納

1848年赴巴黎學習法律,寫過短篇小說 儒勒·凡爾納
和劇本。 1863年起,他開始發表科學幻想冒險小說,以總名稱為《在已知和未知的世界中奇異的漫遊》一舉成名。代表作為三部曲 :《格蘭特船長的兒女》《海底兩萬里》《神秘島》 。 凡爾納總共創作了六十六部長篇小說和短篇小說集,還有幾個劇本,一冊《法國地理》和一部六卷本的《偉大的旅行家和偉大的旅行史》。主要作品還有《氣球上的五星期》.《地心游記》.《神秘島》.《漂逝的半島》.《八十天環游地球》等20多部長篇科幻歷險小說。 他還是許多發明家的老師,凡爾納將他科學幻想的內容寫得那麼詳細准確,頭頭是道,以致許多學術團體對他書中列的數字,有時要用幾個星期的時間去推算。不僅如此,凡爾納的小說到處充滿了科學,許多的科幻事物在現在都成為了現實

③ 儒勒凡爾納的簡介30字


④ 有誰知道儒勒·凡爾納的英文簡介

儒勒·凡爾納 Rule Jules Verne
儒勒·凡爾納是19世紀法國著名的科幻小說和冒險小說作家,被譽為「現代科學幻想小說之父」, 曾寫過《海底兩萬里》、《地心游記》等著名科幻小說。1848年赴巴黎學習法律,寫過短篇小說和劇本。1863年起,他開始發表科學幻想冒險小說,以總名稱為《在已知和未知的世界中奇異的漫遊》一舉成名。

Jules Verne, a famous French science fiction and adventurous novelist in nineteenth Century, is known as the father of modern science fiction, and has written famous science fiction such as "twenty thousand li on the bottom of the sea", "the heart of the earth" and so on. In 1848, he went to Paris to study law, and wrote short stories and plays. Since 1863, he has begun to publish a science fiction adventure novel, which is famous for its total name "strange wandering in the known and unknown world".

代表作為三部曲 :《格蘭特船長的兒女》《海底兩萬里》《神秘島》。 凡爾納總共創作了六十六部長篇小說和短篇小說集,還有幾個劇本,一冊《法國地理》和一部六卷本的《偉大的旅行家和偉大的旅行史》。主要作品還有《氣球上的五星期》《地心游記》《神秘島》《黑印度群島》《漂逝的半島》《八十天環游地球》等20多部長篇科幻歷險小說。

The representative is a trilogy: "Captain Grant's sons", "twenty thousand miles on the bottom of the sea" and "the mysterious island". Verne has created a total of sixty-six novels and short stories, a few plays, a Book of French geography and a six volume book, great traveler and great travel history. The main works are "five weeks in the balloon", "the heart travels", "the mysterious island", "the black Indies" "the floating peninsula", "the Eighty Day Tour of the earth", and other more than 20 science fiction adventures.


He is also a teacher of many inventors, and Verne writes the content of his scientific fantasy so detailed and accurate that many academic groups sometimes take weeks to calculate the numbers in his books. Moreover, Verne's novels are full of science and many science fictions have become reality now.

⑤ 儒勒凡爾納簡介





凡爾納不僅否認自己是海底航行的發明者,還聲稱自己從未對科學有過特別的興趣——而「只是對用它來創作發生在異域的戲劇性故事特別感興趣」。「事實上,他作為科幻小說之父的聲望已經導致了對他文學價值認識的一個嚴重模糊化。」(凡爾納研究者威廉·鮑卓賢(William Butcher)評)



⑥ 儒勒凡爾納簡介(用自己的話概括)

儒勒·加布里埃爾·凡爾納(法語:Jules Gabriel Verne,1828年2月8日-1905年3月24日),法國小說家、博物學家,科普作家,現代科幻小說的重要開創者之一。他一生寫了六十多部大大小小的科幻小說,總題為《在已知和未知的世界漫遊》。他以其大量著作和突出貢獻,被譽為「科幻小說之父」。由於凡爾納知識非常豐富,他小說作品的著述、描寫多有科學根據,所以當時他小說的幻想,如今成為了有趣的預言。

⑦ 有誰知道儒勒·凡爾納的英文簡介

儒勒·凡爾納 Rule Jules Verne
儒勒·凡爾納(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生於法國西部海港南特,他在構成市區一部分的勞阿爾河上的菲伊德島生活學習到中學畢業. Rule Jules Verne (Jules Verne, 1828.2.8 ~ 1905.3.25) was born in the western French port of Nantes, in a part of the urban areas on the river Feiyide Laoaer Island secondary school graates to live and study. 父親是位頗為成功的律師 ,一心希望子承父業. His father is a very successful lawyer, wholeheartedly hope that the son inherited his father's cause. 但是凡爾納自幼熱愛海洋,嚮往遠航探險. But Jules Verne Marine since childhood love, longing voyage adventure. 11歲時,他曾志願上船當見習生,遠航印度 ,結果被家人發現接回了家. 11-year-old, when he was on board when the volunteer interns and the voyage India, the results are found to take back the family home. 為此凡爾納挨了一頓狠揍,並躺在床上流著淚保證:「以後保證只躺在床上在幻想中旅行.」也許正是由於這一童年的經歷,客觀上促使凡爾納一生馳騁於幻想之中,創作出如此眾多的著名科幻作品. Dayton Kenzou Aileyi this Jules Verne, and was lying on his bed with tears ensure that: "In the future, promising to only lying in bed in the fantasy of travel." Perhaps because of the childhood experience, and objectively to Jules Verne gallop in the fantasy life, to create so many well-known science fiction works.
18歲時,他遵父囑,去巴黎攻讀法律,可是他對法律毫無興趣,卻愛上了文學和戲劇. 18-year-old, he told compliance father, went to Paris to study law, but he no interest in the law, but falls in love with literature and drama. 一次,凡爾納自一場晚會早退,下樓時他忽然童心大發,沿樓梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖紳士身上. Once, since a Jules Verne or early evening, when he came downstairs and made a sudden heart, slow slide down handrails on the stairs, not being hit on a fat gentleman. 凡爾納非常尷尬,道歉之後隨口詢問對方吃飯沒有,對方回答說剛吃過南特炒雞蛋. Jules Verne very embarrassing apology after she asked not to eat each other, the response was that Nantes has just eaten fried eggs. 凡爾納聽罷搖頭,聲稱巴黎根本沒有正宗的南特炒雞蛋,因為他即南特人而且拿手此菜. Jules Verne, after hearing shaking his head, claiming that there is no authentic Paris Nantes fried eggs, because he is good at Nantes and Cicai people. 胖紳士聞言大喜,誠邀凡爾納登門獻藝. Fat gentleman Wenyan great rejoicing, invites Jules Verne, they perform. 二人友誼從此開始,並一度合寫戲劇,為凡爾納走上創作之路創造了有利條件. This marked the beginning of friendship between the two, and for a time to write a drama for the Jules Verne on the road to creativity and create beneficial conditions. 這位胖紳士的名字是大仲馬 . The corpulent gentleman's name is Dumas. 畢業後,他更是一門心思投入詩歌和戲劇的創作,為此不僅受到父親的嚴厲訓斥,並失去了父親的經濟資助. After graation, he is focusing more input poetry and drama of creation, this not only severely reprimanded by her father, and lost his father's financial support. 他不得不在貧困中奮斗,以讀書為樂. He had to struggle in poverty, and to enjoy reading. 他十分欣賞雨果 、 巴爾扎克 、大仲馬和英國的莎士比亞 . He very much appreciate Hugo, Balzac, Dumas and British Shakespeare. 在巴黎,他創作了20個劇本(未出版)和一些充滿浪漫激情的詩歌. In Paris, he has written 20 scripts (unpublished), and some of the poetry is full of romantic passion.
後來,凡爾納與大仲馬合作創作了劇本《折斷的麥稈》並得以上演,這標志著凡爾納在文學界取得了初步的成功. Later, Jules Verne and Dumas created a script cooperation "broken straw" and to be staged This marks the Jules Verne in the literature have achieved initial success. 在繼續創作的過程中,凡爾納感到文學創作似乎缺乏出路,而且他發現當時文壇上的人都在找出路,都在試圖把其他領域的知識融進戲劇. In the creative process to continue, Jules Verne seems to be a lack of literature is a way out, and he was found on the literary scene to find people in the road, he has been trying to other financial knowledge in the field of Theatre. 比如大仲馬是將歷史學融進文學,而巴爾扎克則把社會倫理學融進文學……這時凡爾納發現,只剩下地理學還沒有被開發. For example, Dumas is melting into the history of literature, and social ethics into Balzac put into literature…… Then Jules Verne found that only geography has not been developed.
於是凡爾納利用一年的時間進行試驗,創作出《冰川上面過冬》等作品,但未發表. Jules Verne was using a year's time to test create a "glacier above the winter" and other works, but not published.
1856年凡爾納乘火車來到北部城市亞眠,遇到一名帶著兩個孩子的漂亮寡婦,一見終情並求婚,繼而結婚. 1856 Jules Verne train to the northern city of Amiens, with two children by a beautiful widow, see a situation and eventually marry him, and then married. 接著凡爾納搬家過去,從此開始認真創作. Then Jules Verne move past, to begin seriously creation. 其時29歲. When his 29-year-old.
凡爾納創作出《氣球上的五星期》後,16家出版社無人理睬,憤然投入火中,被妻子搶救出來,送入第17家出版社後被出版. Jules Verne create a "balloon on the five weeks," the 16 publishers and ignored, angrily into the fire, was to rescue his wife, sent to 17 publishers after the first publication. 賞識此書的編輯叫赫茨爾,從此凡爾納遇到了知音,與之結下終身友誼. Appreciation book editor called Herzl, from Jules Verne encountered Concert, with forged lifelong friendship. 黑格爾與凡爾納簽訂合同,一年為其出版兩本科幻小說. Hegel and Jules Verne signed a contract year for publishing two science fiction.
《氣球上的五星期》出版之後,凡爾納的創作進入了一個多方面的探索時期,他試驗多種寫法,朝多種方向進行探索,一發不可收拾. "Balloon on the five weeks" after publication, Jules Verne creative entered a multifaceted exploration period, he drafted a variety of tests, carried out exploration in a variety of directions, and become unmanageable. 每年出版兩本,總標題為《奇異的旅行》,包括《地心游記》《從地球到月球》《環繞月球》《海底兩萬里》《神秘島》等等,囊括了陸地、海洋和天空……此後探索停止,開始成熟,進入平穩的發展時期,創作出《80天環繞地球》《太陽系歷險記》《兩年假期》等優秀作品. Published every year two, the general heading of "exotic travel", including "geocentric Travels," "From the Earth to the Moon" and "surround the Moon" and "Haideliangmoli" "Mysterious Island" and so on, to include land, sea and sky… … then explore stop, start mature, entering a period of development, create "80 days around the Earth," "The Adventures of the solar system", "two holiday" outstanding works. 隨著聲望的增高,凡爾納的財富也在迅速增長. With the increased popularity, Jules Verne's wealth is growing rapidly.
凡爾納的晚年不是十分幸福,創作減少並進入衰弱期,其《卡爾巴阡的古堡》有一定的自傳性,表現了生活中隱秘的側面. Jules Verne in their twilight years is not very happy, creative and reced access to debilitating period, "Kaerbaqian castle" in the autobiography of a certain performance of the hidden side of life.
1905年3月17日凡爾納出現偏癱,24日失去知覺,25日晨8:00去世. March 17, 1905 Jules Verne hemiplegia, 24 unconscious, died 8:00 am on the 25th.
1905年3月28日大出殯,全世界紛紛電唁,悼念這位偉大的科幻作家. March 28, 1905 Chubin the world, condolences have the memory of the great science fiction writers.
凡爾納的故事生動幽默,妙語橫生,又能激發人們尤其是青少年熱愛科學、嚮往探險的熱情,所以一百多年來,一直受到世界各地讀者的歡迎. Jules Verne story of a lively sense of humor and so wittily passengers, but also inspire people, especially young people, to love science, yearning for adventure enthusiasm, it more than 100 years, has been welcomed readers around the world. 據聯合國教科文組織的資料表明,凡爾納是世界上被翻譯的作品最多的十大名家之一. According to UNESCO data show that Jules Verne is the world's most translated works of 10 masters.
凡爾納是一個非常優秀的通俗小說作家,有一種能夠把自己的幻覺變得能夠觸摸的本領,其感覺是全方位的,從平淡的文學中傳達出某種人類的熱情. Jules Verne is a very good popular fiction writer, there is a hallucination can become their own ability to touch, feel is an all-round, from the bland literature conveys a human enthusiasm. 但凡爾納的小說中人物除了少數幾個外都是一模一樣的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是臉譜化的簡單的好人壞人,沒有什麼心理活動;從其作品人物性別單一化上還可看出他對女人的偏見,隱隱流露出深受其苦的心態. But the characters in Jules Verne's novel apart from a few, are the same, he seems to be shaping not more important figures, the figures are profiling simple good bad guys, there is no psychological activity; figures from the works of a single gender, He can be seen on the woman's bias seems by showing the mentality of their plight. 此外凡爾納的作品中充滿了明顯的社會傾向,是一個愛國者(法國人最好)、民族解放主義者(支持被壓迫民族斗爭),在某種程度上是一個無政府主義者(從某些作品中表現出無秩序者),最後還是一個銀河帝國主義者(有締造宇宙帝國的慾望). In addition Jules Verne works with a clear social orientation, is a Patriot (France had better), national liberation and (the struggle to support the oppressed nations), to some extent, is an anarchist (from the some works show no order), the Galaxy is a final imperialists (with the desire to create the universe Empire).
凡爾納的作品裡充滿了知識,但他本人卻是一名宇宙神秘主義者,對世界有一種神秘的崇拜. Jules Verne's works are replete with knowledge, but he himself is a mystery of the universe, there is a mystery to the world of worship. 在他的小說中,有時候思考問題不夠深刻,主題也常常重復. In his novels, sometimes ponder problems of insufficient depth and the theme is often repeated.
但總的來說,凡爾納的嘗試仍然是偉大的. However, in general, Jules Verne attempt is still great. 他寫的雖然都是平凡小事,但讀後仍使我們激動不已. Although he wrote are ordinary trivial, but we still reading thrilled. 正如1884年教皇在接見凡爾納時曾說:「我並不是不知道您的作品的科學價值,但我最珍重的卻是它們的純潔、道德價值和精神力量.」 As in 1884 the Pope met Jules Verne once said: "I do not know that you are not the scientific value of the works, but I treasure the most is their purity, moral values and spiritual strength."
儒勒·凡爾納作品集 Jules Verne works Rule Set
狩獵十小時 Hunting 10 hours
2889年一個美國新聞界巨子的一天升D先生和降E小姐佐奇瑞大師永恆的亞當一個在冰雪中度過的冬天突破封鎖牛博士沙皇的郵件(米歇爾斯特羅哥夫) 2889 a day for the United States media giant or D, and the Masters in E Miss Zuoairui eternal Adam spent an icy winter break blockade cattle Dr. Czar mail (Mitchell Shiteluogefu)
壯麗的奧里諾科河小把戲環游黑海歷險記蒸汽屋金火山海底兩萬里哈特拉斯船長歷險記桑道夫伯爵格蘭特船長的兒女神秘島環游月球奧蘭情游巴爾薩克考察隊的驚險遭遇氣球上的五星期兩年假期太陽系歷險記旅行基金昂梯菲爾奇遇記大海入侵南非洲歷險記魯濱遜學校征服者羅比爾世界主人魯濱遜叔叔馬丁帕茲喀爾巴阡古堡隱身新娘烽火島從地球到月球蓓根的五億法郎黑印度迎著三色旗奇特旅行記漂逝的半島綠光天邊燈塔融化北極之冰(旋轉乾坤) The magnificent trick the Orinoco River Adventures of the Black Sea around the volcanic steam housing Haideliangmoli Hatelashi Sang Adventures of Captain Adolf captain Grant Count the sons and daughters of the moon around the mysterious island Orange intelligence You Baersake expedition team encountered adventure balloon on the solar system five weeks holiday two years Adventure Travel Fund-an event in mind staircase Feierai sea intrusion South Africa Adventures of Robinson, the school masters of the world conquerors Luobier Robinson uncle Madingmoci Carpathian castle stealth bride flames from the Earth to the Moon Island Bei roots of 500 million francs and India braving the three-color flag peculiar travel in mind drift evanescent lighthouse on the peninsula green horizon melting of the Arctic ice (rotating universe)

⑧ 儒勒·凡爾納的資料

儒勒·凡爾納(Jules Verne,1828年-1905年),法國小說家,科幻小說的開創者之一。他一生寫了六十多部大大小小的科幻小說,總題為《在已知和未知的世界漫遊》。他以其大量著作和突出貢獻,被譽為「科幻小說之父」。


儒勒·嘉布希勒·凡爾納(Jules Gabriel Verne)於1828年2月8日,生於法國南特。他的家族有航海傳統,這一點深深地影響了他日後的寫作。童年時期,他曾私自出走到一艘商船上,企圖隨船出海,但被發現送還父母,從此更被嚴看管;他為此向父母保證以後只「躺在床上在幻想中旅行」。


在巴黎圖書館花費了相當時間鑽研地理、工程和航天等科學後,凡爾納完成了他的第一部小說《氣球上的五星期》(Cinq semaines en ballon,1863)。但他試圖出版這本書的過程並不順利——連續16家出版社拒絕了凡爾納,屢戰屢敗的凡爾納一氣之下把書稿投入火中,但他的妻子把書稿搶救出來;幸運的是,第17家出版社終於同意出版本書。隨後,他又很快開始寫作後來成為早期科幻小說經典的作品:《地心游記》(Voyage au centre de la terre,1864)、《從地球到月球》(De la terre à la lune,1866)和《海底兩萬里》(20,000 lieues sous les mers,1873)

小說大獲成功,成了暢銷書,在歐洲大受歡迎。凡爾納也成了一位富翁。1876年,他購置了一艘大遊艇,開始環游歐洲。他的最後一部小說是1905年出版的《大海的入侵》(L'invasion de la mer)。




主要作品出版於19世紀末,其科幻小說中的許多設想和描述在20世紀成為了現實,所以他的一些作品現在讓人讀起來感覺並不「天馬行空」。其中最著名的莫過於在《海底兩萬里》中尼莫(Nemo -- 這個名字在拉丁文中有「無人」的意思)船長的巨型潛水艇「鸚鵡螺號」(nautilus)。美國建造的世界第一艘核動力潛艇鸚鵡螺號(SSN一571,1954年下水)就據此命名;法國的無人駕駛機器人潛水艇也以此命名。


* 三部曲
o 《格蘭特船長的兒女》
o 《海底兩萬里》
o 《神秘島》
* 探月兩部曲
o 《從地球到月球》
o 《環繞月球》
* 探險
o 《八十天環游地球》
o 《氣球上的五星期》
o 《征服者羅比爾》
o 《太陽系歷險記》
o 《地心游記》
o 《兩年假期》
* 民族獨立和革命
o 《桑道夫伯爵》
o 《烽火島》
o 《多瑙河領航員》
* 其他
o 《漂逝的半島》
o 《十五歲的船長》
o 《機器島》
o 《隱身新娘》
o 《昂梯菲爾奇遇記》
o 《印度貴婦的五億法郎》

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