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『壹』 求科幻小說英文版本的呵呵

science fiction的簡寫, 科幻小說

『貳』 科幻小說用英語怎麼說

我喜歡讀科幻小說。 I like to read science fiction. 2. 安娜在讀一部科幻小說 fiction ( 也可以說science fiction, fiction本身就有科幻小說的

『叄』 「科幻小說」英語怎麼說

[詞典] sci-fi; science fiction;
The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.
雙語例句 漢英大詞典

『肆』 問一下大家,「一部科幻小說」用英文該怎麼說啊

A science fiction

『伍』 有什麼好的英文 科幻/奇幻 小說

魔戒之主(The Lord of the Rings),J.R.R.·托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien)
《基地》三部曲(The Foundation Trilogy),艾薩克·阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)
《沙丘》(Dune),弗蘭克·赫伯特(Frank Herbert)
《異鄉異客》(Stranger in a Strange Land),羅伯特·A.·海因萊茵
《地海法師》(A Wizard of Earthsea),厄休拉·K.·勒吉恩
《神經漫遊者》(Neuromancer),威廉·吉布森(William Gibson)
《童年的終結》(Childhood』s End),阿瑟·C.·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)
《阿瓦隆的迷霧》(The Mists of Avalon),馬里恩·齊默·布拉德利
《新日之書》(The Book of the New Sun),吉恩·沃爾夫
《雷伯維茲聖歌》(A Canticle for Leibowitz),沃爾特·M.·米勒
《飛行都市》(Cities in Flight),詹姆斯·布萊什(James Blish)
《原子孩子》(Children of the Atom),威爾莫·施拉斯(Wilmar Shiras)
《黑暗的左手》(The Left Hand of Darkness),厄休拉·K.·勒吉恩
《暴風雪使者》(Stormbringer),邁克爾·摩考克(Michael Moorcock)
《時間軸》(Timescape),格里高里·本福德(Gregory Benford)
海灘上》(On the Beach),內爾·舒特(Nevil Shute

『陸』 科幻小說算是文學么


『柒』 求200詞左右的英文科幻小說 3Q! 請大家快點啊!!!

Science fiction story
AD 3,000
A group of scientists(including me) went to the bottom of the sea,some aliens are living there,they may cause a world war because they can take control of water.This time,we want to talk with them.
With the help of the sea-spaceship,we got the destination easily.To my surprise,this is a wonderful undersea world,beautiful fishes,and green coral reef which can make people feel great.
We didn't forget why we came here,but we saw no alien.Suddenly a huge screen was presented before us.It was playing a tsunami around India,and some wars around the world.Yes,this is our true life,I realized something,and turned around,a alien was looking us.Then,it began to say,"Human beings,you've made a lot trouble to the
earth,e.g.The wars,the pollution,the experiment,etc.Now,we use the water to give you a tsunami,this is only a lesson for you.If you do this continuously,you will be punished!"
We were back to the ground,everything seemed peaceful,we knew what we should do.

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