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『壹』 阿西莫夫的資料

艾薩克·阿西莫夫(1930-1992) 美國著名科幻作家(Isaac Asimov,1920-1992),他一生高產,著述頗豐,作品竟達到500部之多,早已遠遠超過了「著作等身」的地步。
就在這同一年,阿西莫夫獲得了哥倫比亞學士學位,1941年他又獲得文學碩士。二戰中阿西莫夫曾入伍服役,戰後於1948年獲得博士學位,並進入大學教書。 阿西莫夫一生寫有大量的科幻作品,其中最主要的有兩大系列:「基地」系列和「機器人」系列。
「基地」系列為讀者展示了一個浩瀚龐大的宇宙畫卷。它的故事發生在遙遠的未來,其時人類已遍布250萬顆行星,人口達到1000 ,形成了一個真正的宇宙帝國。而這時一位社會心理學家卻根據推算得出這樣一個結論:帝國行將崩潰,人類社會將進入一個長達30000年的黑暗時期,所有的文明都將盪然無存;但是如果按照他的方法,通過建立基地的方法,則可以將人類文明的火種保留下來,並將黑暗時期縮短為1000年。於是,「物理學基地」和「心理學基地」相繼被建立,它們將完成保存並發展人類文明的艱巨任務……

『貳』 艾薩克·阿西莫夫的小說都有哪些改編成了電影

艾薩克·阿西莫夫的小說改編成電影的有:1966年的《神奇旅程》(Fantastic Voyage)、1999年的《四百年人》(又名《機器管家》)和2004年的《我,機器人》。還有正在籌劃開拍的《基地》
《基地》吧,這部猶如《羅馬帝國興亡史》的太空歌劇一直被稱由拍攝《後天》、《2012》聞名的羅蘭·艾默里奇導演,據說投資不小。但能否拍出阿西莫夫原作的風格特色,卻是誰也不敢打包票。這是有原因的:早年間阿西莫夫和美國影視界關系很好,他多次執筆為一些科幻劇集做過編劇。但因為阿西莫夫有個怪癖:從來不坐飛機。這樣就沒法到好萊塢去參與合作,結果到今天真正與阿西莫夫有關的電影只有三部:1966年的《神奇旅程》(Fantastic Voyage)、1999年的《四百年人》(又名《機器管家》)和2004年的《我,機器人》。

《神奇旅程》這部電影最初參照的是Otto Klement和Jerome Bixby兩人的小故事,由Harry Kleiner寫成劇本。當時 Bantam Books公司獲得了改編權,請來阿西莫夫想把劇本改編成小說,並對電影劇本做些指導。劇本講的是一名蘇聯科學家從鐵幕後逃到美國,因為他的腦血管遭到間諜破壞而命在旦夕。五名美國醫生乃被縮小成幾百萬分之一置於潛艇中,注射進科學家體內進行血管手術。但時間有限,如果沒能及時出來,那艘潛艇就將變回原大,而這些人就都會死於非命。

在長達一年的過程中,阿西莫夫和電影製片方以及編劇之間爭執不斷,最終電影上映時演職員表中根本沒有阿西莫夫的名字。好在小說已經在電影上映前六個月就出版了,於是很多人誤以為《神奇旅程》是根據阿西莫夫的小說改編的(到今天都是),其實這是一個別人的故事,被阿西莫夫拿過來的。後來阿西莫夫還寫了一部續篇《神奇旅程2:目的地大腦》(Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain),講的是美國人與蘇聯人通過微縮技術進入人體後進行新探險,並且爆發了一場微觀版的第三次世界大戰。也許是想法太新奇,也許是和好萊塢搞壞了關系,這個本來可以拍續集的作品沒有被好萊塢採用。《神奇旅程》贏得了奧斯卡最佳視覺效果和最佳藝術指導兩個獎項,在特效史上足以留下一筆。後來有一批科幻片都是從此得到的靈感:包括1987年的《驚異大奇航》(Innerspace)和1989年的《親愛的,我把孩子縮小了》等。詹姆斯·卡梅隆一直想翻拍本片,但鑒於他手頭項目太多,可能還要等上幾年才會在大銀幕上看到。

《機器管家》一片改編自阿西莫夫的短篇小說《The Bicentennial Man》以及他和Robert Silverberg合著的長篇《The Positronic Man》。原作可以看作是是科幻版《海的女兒》,從一個機器人的角度,極為深刻地展示出了「人」之為人的本質和真諦。其中對人權、自由的解讀,甚至使我們聯想到美國《獨立宣言》的精神源頭上去——小說正是應編輯之約,為紀念美國建國200年而作。這部電影將阿西莫夫的小說完全庸俗化了,結尾女機器人加勒蒂婭幫助女主角終結生命的細節更是完全違背了阿西莫夫的機器人三定律,令原作那種嚴謹的思辨味道盪然無存。小說中安德魯之死,關鍵在於它作了「150年機器人」,最後以「200年人」身份死去。影片改為為愛情追求人的身份,最終和愛人一起死去。兩者雖無好壞之分,卻有高下之別。說到底,小說是嚴肅探討人生,電影則成了童話故事。


『叄』 求艾薩克·阿西莫夫的一本科幻小說名


『肆』 美國著名關於未來的科幻短文作品內容

艾薩克·阿西莫夫(英語:Isaac Asimov,1920年1月2日-1992年4月6日)
阿西莫夫一生著述近500本,是公認的科幻大師,與儒勒·凡爾納、赫伯特·喬治·威爾斯並稱為科幻歷史上的三巨頭,同時還與羅伯特·海因萊因、亞瑟·克拉克並列為科幻小說的三巨頭。其作品中以《基地系列》《銀河帝國三部曲》和《機器人系列》三大系列被譽為「科幻聖經 」。曾獲代表科幻界最高榮譽的雨果獎和星雲終身成就大師獎。小行星5020、《阿西莫夫科幻小說》雜志和兩項阿西莫夫獎都是以他的名字命名。

『伍』 急求阿西莫夫機器人,基地,帝國三大系列的書名及其簡介

英文名稱:Isaac Asimov's COMPLETE Robot, Empire, and Foundation

Congratulations, you have acquired The Complete Robot, Empire, and Foundation, the finest collection of Asmovian ebooks available. We had two objectives in the creation of this archive:

1.Include every book/story in Isaac Asimov』s 「Robot,」 「Empire,」 and 「Foundation」 series.
2.Ensure that each and every ebook included was of the highest quality.

To achieve these goals, we combed the internet for the best scans available. These were proofread and corrected. We also restored formatting, such as italics and diacritics, that was missing from many of the scans commonly available on the internet. To these we added a number of new—and carefully proofed—scans, to complete the collection. As a result, each and every ebook in The Complete REF archive is guaranteed to be the best version available

Publication Date / Title / Author
1939 Marooned Off Vesta (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1939 Trends (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1939 Weapon Too Dreadful to Use, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Callistan Menace, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Farewell To The Master (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Bates, Harry
1940 Half-Breed (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Half-Breeds on Venus (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Homo Sol (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Magnificent Possession, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Ring Around the Sun (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Robbie (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Robbie (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1940 Robbie (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Heredity (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1941 History (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Liar! (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Liar! (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Liar! (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Nightfall (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Nightfall (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Not Final! (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Reason (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Reason (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Reason (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Secret Sense, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1941 Super-Neutron (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Black Friar of the Flame (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Christmas on Ganymede (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Hazing, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Imaginary, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Robot AL-76 Goes Astray (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Runaround (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Runaround (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Runaround (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Time Pussy (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1942 Victory Unintentional (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1943 Death Sentence (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1944 Catch That Rabbit (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1944 Catch That Rabbit (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1944 Though Dreamers Die (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Del Rey, Lester
1945 Blind Alley (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1945 Escape! (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1945 Escape! (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1946 Evidence (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1946 Evidence (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1946 Evidence (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1947 Little Lost Robot (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1947 Little Lost Robot (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1947 Little Lost Robot (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1947 Little Lost Robot (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1948 Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1948 No Connection (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1949 Mother Earth (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1949 Red Queen's Race, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Darwinian Pool Room (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Day of the Hunters (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Evitable Conflict, The (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Evitable Conflict, The (I, Robot) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Evitable Conflict, The (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Green Patches (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Legal Rites (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Little Man on the Subway, The (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1950 Pebble in the Sky Asimov, Isaac
1951 Breeds There A Man (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Breeds There A Man (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1951 C-Chute (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1951 C-Chute (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Foundation Asimov, Isaac
1951 Fun They Had, The (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Fun They Had, The (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Hostess (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Hostess (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1951 In a Good Cause-- (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Satisfaction Guaranteed (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Satisfaction Guaranteed (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Satisfaction Guaranteed (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Shah Guido G. (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1951 Stars, Like Dust, The Asimov, Isaac
1952 Currents of Space, The Asimov, Isaac
1952 Deep, The (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1952 Foundation and Empire Asimov, Isaac
1952 Martian Way, The (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1952 Martian Way, The (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1952 What If-- (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Button, Button (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Caves of Steel, The Asimov, Isaac
1953 Everest (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Flies (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Kid Stuff (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Monkey's Finger, The (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Nobody Here But-- (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Sally (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Sally (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Sally (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Sally (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1953 Second Foundation Asimov, Isaac
1953 Second Variety (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Dick, Philip K.
1953 Soldier Boy (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Shaara, Michael
1954 First To Serve (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Budrys, Algis
1954 Foundation of S.F. Success, The (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1954 How-2 (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Simak, Clifford D.
1954 Immortal Bard, The (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1954 It's Such A Beautiful Day (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1954 Let's Not (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1954 Pause, The (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1955 Dreaming Is A Private Thing (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1955 End of Eternity, The asimov, Isaac
1955 Franchise (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1955 Franchise (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1955 Last Trump, The (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1955 Risk (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1955 The Lifeboat Mutiny (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Sheckley, Robert
1955 The Tunnel Under The World (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Pohl, Frederick
1955 Two-Handed Engine (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Kuttner, Henry and Moore, C. L.
1956 A.E. Van Vogt's 'Slan' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1956 Alfred Bester's 'The Demolished Man' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1956 Dead Past, The (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Dead Past, The (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Dying Night, The (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Each an Explorer (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1956 First Law (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Gimmicks Three (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Hell-Fire (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Isaac Asimov's 'The Caves Of Steel' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1956 John W. Cambell's 'Who Goes There'' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1956 Jokester (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Jokester (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1956 L. Sprague De Camp's 'Lest Darkness Fall' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1956 Last Question, The (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Last Question, The (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Living Space (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Message, The (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Naked Sun, The Asimov, Isaac
1956 Someday (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Someday (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Someday (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1956 Watery Place, The (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Author's Ordeal, The (Poetry) (Earth is Room Enough) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Blank! (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Does A Bee Care (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Does A Bee Care (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Galley Slave (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Galley Slave (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Gentlemen: Please Note (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1957 Insert Knob A in Hole B (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Let's Get Together (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Look Out! Duck! (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1957 Masters Of The Metropolis (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1957 Strikebreaker (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1957 Strikebreaker (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1957 The Best Policy (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1957 The Ecation Of Tigress Mccardle (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Kornbluth, C. M.
1958 ...No Connections (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1958 Brother Robot (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Slesar, Henry
1958 Buy Jupiter Asimov, Isaac
1958 Feeling of Power, The (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1958 Lenny (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1958 Lenny (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1958 Silly Asses (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1958 Spell My Name With An S (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1958 Ugly Little Boy, The (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1958 Up-To-Date Sorcerer, The (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1959 Anniversary (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1959 Despoilers Of The Golden Empire (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1959 Rain, Rain, Go Away (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1959 Statue For Father, A (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1959 Too Robot To Marry (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Smith, George H.
1959 Unto The Fourth Generation (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1961 Machine That Won The War, The (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1961 Machine That Won The War, The (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1961 Mustang (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1961 The Problem Was Lubrication (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Bunch, David R.
1961 What Is This Thing Called Love? (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1962 My Son, The Physicist (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1962 The Cosmic Beat (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1962 Through Time And Space With Benedict Breadfruit (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1964 Author! Author! (Early Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1965 Eyes Do More Than See (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1965 Eyes Do More Than See (Nightfall and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1965 Founding Father (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1966 Prime of Life, The (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1967 Billiard Ball, The (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1967 Billiard Ball, The (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1967 Segregationist (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1967 Segregationist (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1968 Exile To Hell (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1968 Key Item (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1968 Proper Study, The (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1969 Feminine Intuition (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1969 Feminine Intuition (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1969 Feminine Intuition (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1970 2430 A.D. (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1970 Waterclap (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1972 Greatest Asset, The (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1972 Mirror Image (Best of Isaac Asimov, The) Asimov, Isaac
1972 Mirror Image (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1972 Mirror Image (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1972 Take A Match (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1973 Light Verse (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1973 Light Verse (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1973 Light Verse (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1973 Thiotimoline To The Stars (Buy Jupiter) Asimov, Isaac
1974 Stranger in Paradise (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1974 That Thou Art Mindful of Him (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1974 That Thou Art Mindful of Him (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1975 Boy's Best Friend, A (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1975 Life and Times of Multivac, The (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1975 Point of View (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Bicentennial Man, The (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Bicentennial Man, The (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Birth of a Notion (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Marching In (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Old-fashioned (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Sun Up (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Jackson, A.A. IV and Waldrop, Howard
1976 Tercentenary Incident, The (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Tercentenary Incident, The (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1976 Winnowing, The (Bicentennial Man and Other Stories) Asimov, Isaac
1977 On The Martian Problem (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1977 Think! (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1977 Think! (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1977 True Love (Complete Robot, The) Asimov, Isaac
1977 True Love (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1978 Backstage Lensman (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1978 The Horror Out Of Time (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1979 Poul Anderson's 'Three Hearts And Three Lions' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1979 Prehistoric Note (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1980 'Reviews In Verse' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1980 Breakfast Of Champions (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Easton, Thomas A.
1980 Last Answer, The (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1980 The Adventures Of 'Little Willie' (Takeoff!) Garrett, Randall
1982 Foundation's Edge Asimov, Isaac
1982 Lest We Remember (Robot Dreams) Asimov, Isaac
1983 Norby Chronicles, The Asimov, Janet & Isaac
1983 Robots of Dawn, The Asimov, Isaac
1985 Hallucination (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1985 Robots and Empire Asimov, Isaac
1985 The Warm Space (Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction vol 9: Robots) Brin, David
1986 Feghoot and the Courts (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1986 Foundation and Earth Asimov, Isaac
1986 Robot Dreams Asimov, Isaac
1987 Left To Right (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1987 Robot City 1: Odyssey Kube-McDowell, Michael P.
1987 Robot City 2: Suspicion McQuay, Mike
1987 Robot City 3: Cyborg Wu, William F.
1988 Christmas Without Rodney (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1988 Prelude to Foundation Asimov, Isaac
1988 Robot City 4: Prodigy Cover, Arthur Byron
1988 Robot City 5: Refuge Chilson, Rob
1988 Robot City 6: Perihelion Wu, William F.
1988 Smile of the Chipper, The (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1989 A Word or Two from Janet (Foundation's Friends) Asimov, Janet
1989 Alexander the God (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1989 Balance (Foundation's Friends) Resnick, Mike
1989 Blot (Foundation's Friends) Clement, Hal
1989 Carhunters of the Concrete Prairie (Foundation's Friends) Sheckley, Robert
1989 Dilemma (Foundation's Friends) Willis, Connie
1989 Fifty Years (Foundation's Friends) Asimov, Isaac
1989 Foundation's Conscience (Foundation's Friends) Zebrowski, George
1989 Good-bye to Earth (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1989 Instability, The (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1989 Maureen Birnbaum After Dark (Foundation's Friends) Spiegelman Fein, Betsy
1989 Murder in the Urth Degree (Foundation's Friends) Wellen, Edward
1989 Nemesis Asimov, Isaac
1989 PAPPI (Foundation's Friends) Finch, Sheila
1989 Plato's Cave (Foundation's Friends) Anderson, Poul
1989 Robots And Aliens 1: Changeling Leigh, Stephen
1989 Robots And Aliens 2: Renegade Scotten, Cordell
1989 Strip-Runner (Foundation's Friends) Sargent, Pamela
1989 The Asenion Solution (Foundation's Friends) Silverberg, Robert
1989 The Fourth Law of Robotics (Foundation's Friends) Harrison, Harry
1989 The Originist (Foundation's Friends) Card, Orson Scott
1989 The Overheard Conversation (Foundation's Friends) Hoch, Edward D.
1989 The Present Eternal (Foundation's Friends) Malzberg, Barry N.
1989 The Reunion at the Mile-High (Foundation's Friends) Pohl, Frederick
1989 Too Bad! (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1989 Trantor Falls (Foundation's Friends) Turtledove, Harry
1990 Cybernetic Organism (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Fault-Intolerant (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Frustration (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Future Fantastic (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 In the Canyon (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Intelligences Together (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Kid Brother (Gold) Asimov, Isaac
1990 My Robots (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Our Intelligent Tools (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Robot Visions Asimov, Isaac
1990 Robots And Aliens 3: Intruder Thurston, Robert
1990 Robots And Aliens 4: Alliance Oltion, Jerry
1990 Robots And Aliens 5: Maverick Bethke, Bruce
1990 Robots And Aliens 6: Humanity Oltion, Jerry
1990 Robots I Have Known (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 Robots in Combination (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 The Friends We Make (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 The Laws of Humanics (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 The Laws of Robotics (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 The Machine and the Robot (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac
1990 The New Profession (Robot Visions) Asimov, Isaac

『陸』 阿西莫夫簡介


『柒』 阿西莫夫作品閱讀順序





3、鋼穴(TheCaves of Steel,1954) 伊利亞·貝萊的第一部科幻推理小說。

4、裸陽(TheNaked Sun,1957) 伊利亞·貝萊的第二部科幻推理小說。

5、曙光中的機器人(The Robots of Dawn,1983) 伊利亞·貝萊的第三部科幻推理小說。

6、機器人與帝國(Robots and Empire,1985) 「伊利亞·貝萊三部曲」續集二。


1、繁星若塵(TheStars, Like Dust—,1951) 銀河帝國第一部。

2、星空暗流(TheCurrents of Space,1952) 銀河帝國第二部。

3、蒼穹微石(Pebblein the Sky,1950) 銀河帝國第三部,最早出版但是故事年代最晚三。


1、基地前奏(Prelude to Foundation,1988)。

2、邁向基地(Forward the Foundation,1993) 正傳。

3、基地(Foundation,1951) 。

4、基地與帝國(Foundation and Empire,1952) 。

5、第二基地(Second Foundation,1953) 後傳 。

6、基地邊緣(Foundation's Edge,1982)。

7、基地與地球(Foundation and Earth,1986)。








『捌』 艾薩克·阿西莫夫

艾薩克·阿西莫夫(1930-1992) 美國著名科幻作家(Isaac Asimov,1920-1992),他一生高產,著述頗豐,作品竟達到500部之多,早已遠遠超過了「著作等身」的地步。
就在這同一年,阿西莫夫獲得了哥倫比亞學士學位,1941年他又獲得文學碩士。二戰中阿西莫夫曾入伍服役,戰後於1948年獲得博士學位,並進入大學教書。 阿西莫夫一生寫有大量的科幻作品,其中最主要的有兩大系列:「基地」系列和「機器人」系列。
「基地」系列為讀者展示了一個浩瀚龐大的宇宙畫卷。它的故事發生在遙遠的未來,其時人類已遍布250萬顆行星,人口達到1000 ,形成了一個真正的宇宙帝國。而這時一位社會心理學家卻根據推算得出這樣一個結論:帝國行將崩潰,人類社會將進入一個長達30000年的黑暗時期,所有的文明都將盪然無存;但是如果按照他的方法,通過建立基地的方法,則可以將人類文明的火種保留下來,並將黑暗時期縮短為1000年。於是,「物理學基地」和「心理學基地」相繼被建立,它們將完成保存並發展人類文明的艱巨任務……
主要作品:《空中石子》(1950)《太空潮》(1952)《鋼穴》(1953)《終結》(1955) 《赤裸的太陽》(1956)《基地三部曲》(1964)《我,機器人》《機器人的其他故事》
《基地》系列:《基地邊緣》(1982)《黎明世界的機器人》(1984)《機器人與銀河帝國》(1985)《基地與地球》(1986)《基地序曲》(1988)《復仇星》(1988)《轉交基地》 (1993)


『玖』 阿西莫夫的簡介



《基地》、《機器人》 等系列是阿西莫夫最膾炙人口的代表作。這些看似各自獨立的故事,相互貫串。








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